Sunday, July 28, 2013

Assignment 1-4-4

The topic of choice, Facebook, is considered many different things to society and the people. Some will say what a great advancement it has been to stay connected with individuals no matter where they are in the world or others may say what a waste of time it is that people spend most of their days “creeping” and posting to their page and others. With the advancement in technology, people can view Facebook from their smartphones anywhere.

Facebook has the features of hero through social relationships and through the games and applications available to users. A simple way of describing the term hero is the display of strength and courage, where strength can be determined as physical and emotional. Facebook is notorious for destroying friendships and relationships, but for some people who don’t get that too often, they will find this social media to be of personal building. Making them feel of an importance through having people accept their friendship request or other ways, gives a sense of hope that some people lacked in the relationship department. This social media helps make it easier for people to speak their mind or say things they wouldn’t do if it were in person. The games and apps display hero through the concept of their purpose.

The cult of celebrity applies to Facebook with the concept of being able to like pages of your favorite show, movie, celebrity, etc. By liking a page or post will keep you updated on your newsfeed of similar/related stories. It’s like a virtual magazine where you can look further into the topic though rather than what is just on the pages. Facebook isn’t just a way to stay in contact with others, but to advertise as well. Both hero and cult of celebrity have a place within the Facebook world, as do everything else. A main celebrity relating to Facebook is its maker Mark Zuckerberg, which a movie, The Social Network, was made to display the kind of work he went through to get the billion-dollar empire to where it is.

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