Thursday, July 4, 2013

Assignment 1-2

What is popular culture, and what does it mean to you?Pop culture is what is acceptable and ideal for society during a specific time. These ideas and perspectives have changed over time accepting different values and events. Hence the term popular for what is "in" at the time. To me, it's a never-ending battle to constantly fit in with the crowd and keep up-to-date.

Why is an understanding of popular culture relevant to you in a business environment and in your present and future career?An understanding of pop culture for business purposes is the evolving of technology and how it is changing careers and responsibilities continuously. A person cannot expect to be in a career without expecting to learn different strategies and ways of doing their job. At least every several months, there is new software or machine upgrades to increase productivity and efficiency compared to time in most lines of work.

What would you consider to be an example of a pop culture artifact? And why would you choose it?The Apple logo isn't merely just a logo, but an expectation of great technology. Ranging from Mac computers to iPods, the Apple logo has received great recognition. The want of the new iPhones is beyond ridiculous to find at how much a person would do for one and why it is such an important accessory in their life. Today you can't go anywhere without seeing this logo somewhere.


  1. This is a wonderful first blog for this class. I think everyone understand what pop culture is, but until you have to define it and give examples, it really makes you sit back and open your eyes a little.

  2. I also agree that this is a wonderful first blog. However, I would expand upon the idea a little. I think that the apple logo represents a lifestyle that is facilitated by great products/technology. The marriage of services, hardware, and software is "magical" quality of Apple's products that people crave.

    I like where you are going with this. I didn't do apple myself, but I did the cloud. The cloud is something apple relies upon heavily to make its great products.
