Friday, August 2, 2013

Assignment 1-4-5

Formulas in pop culture are the outcomes and the predictability of a storyline throughout its time and through its situations. For example, two stories/movies have different situations and storylines, but have very similar endings. A simple example that is well-known is the story plot of the hero always saves the "princess" in the end. This displays the use of originality. All stories will follow the same or similar storyline of the genre it belongs, for instance romance, horror, action, etc. It is the category in which individuals find entertaining and seek to look when deciding to read, watch, or write the story.

Facebook displays this theory of formulas in several ways. First and foremost, Facebook wasn't the first social network. There were numerous others similar such as Xanga and Myspace being more recent. It has continued that source of communicating and providing more options for entertainment, thus creating new features for others to follow but still falling the plot of keeping people in-touch. The purpose of social networks is the easy accessibility of communication and through many different ways, which Facebook fulfills. All business is competition, so Facebook works around to give the best and do the best for its social network and users. It's a person's entertainment.

The formula of Facebook is the structure in which it builds and works from, like the entertainment piece. People return for the means of entertainment on a daily basis creating it to be a necessity in everyday life for many people. It is the build of a social network of communication with numerous other applications and actions that can be done to provide and communicate more information to others. The application of this theory to Facebook has made an understanding of how Facebook was created in the category of social networks, but has and continues to provide updated applications to keep it a social network that hasn't lost its touch and keeps users coming back, like many other social networks.

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