Sunday, July 14, 2013

Assignment 1-4-2

The popular culture topic chosen for this assignment was Facebook. This social media has grown tremendously over the last seven years, going mainly from student accounts to being free to everyone. Starting with students creating group networking at Harvard University in 2004 has made an expansion of the decade. It is a way to keep in contact with others, discuss life events and activities, and even certain businesses have Facebook accounts to display the purpose of their work and show it off if necessary. But the numerous things you can do with these accounts have created a never-ending form of communication.

Popular culture of Facebook extends itself to many levels. Factors that include things such as education and, of course, exposure, Facebook is a wide variety of different uses that can be made of it. The accounts are free, making it available to anyone. The lack of education needed to use the account doesn’t matter with the user-friendly layout, where now with smartphones can become an app on your phone to access whenever and wherever you want. Its format doesn’t require grammar to be the exact best, but, from my point of view, what is so hard about typing the extra few letters to make a “real” word. That goes along with texting too. The account holders can also upload videos and pictures, post links or share other sites, or join another Facebook group page to show support or like of the topic. Social status has become a must with most people in society today that you will see people constantly posting all day long to their account or others.

With technology progressing, communication has become a huge step in society. Going from home telephone to car phones to the tablets of today, the expansion has technology constantly wanting to grow and making something new each year to improve outdating the old quickly. Facebook is a model of American dream myth. The power, economic, and the pursuit of happiness have made us into lovers. It is a very addicting site, especially when it comes to the emotional standpoint. If you’re having a bad day, I’m sure someone is posting something that would make you smile or that would make you think that things could be worse.

Icons related to Facebook are endless. When it is said that everyone has a page that includes every thing. There are pages for movies, characters, television shows, music artists, athletes, etc. Anyone can get on these pages and like the page to follow it in their newsfeed. This is another way for the economic factor where the name is being put out there without a high expense.

Facebook is a great asset to the social media world, but through my eyes it can destroy you. What ever happened to sitting at a family gathering where no one had their phones out texting or checking their Facebook? I have an account, but prefer to not make it an everyday need and simply for keeping in contact with distant others and sharing photos. To me, it really comes down to manners and the independency of not displaying my entire life and h
ave some privacy from the world to see.

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