Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Assignment 1-4-6

With all the different theories, Facebook seemed to relate fairly to each one, whether it was a stretch or obvious. The theories that were more noticeable were the myths, rituals and stereotypes, beliefs, and the formula of following the same outline of many social networks. The difference with the formula is that Facebook has found a platform in which users find entertaining and attention grabbing, bringing them back on a regular basis, and many users back multiple times daily.

The most interesting findings are based on the rituals and stereotypes of Facebook. The myth that the social network ruins relationships is interesting, especially if you question people about their thoughts on the matter. The stereotypes of classifying individuals as needy, overbearing, crazy, unsocial, etc. through their posts are quite interesting. I don't like to judge, but personally some of the pictures and comments people posts can make it hard to. Posting pictures of your child in the bathtub may look cute to you, but makes other people feel uncomfortable and find the images inappropriate for the network. The people who post something almost every hour get the stereotype of needy and controlling. Through Facebook, you'll find more judgment from people that were never noticed before.

Through analyzing all the different components of Facebook, I find myself falling away from the use of it more and more. I believe that from analyzing it from all aspects has made me not care much for Facebook other than viewing comments and posts directed towards myself or pictures of family and close friends from out of town. People lived without it before, so I'm looking to live in the moment and communicate with friends and family in person, trying to be a part of the world and not watch it happen through Facebook.

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