Sunday, July 28, 2013

Assignment 1-4-4

The topic of choice, Facebook, is considered many different things to society and the people. Some will say what a great advancement it has been to stay connected with individuals no matter where they are in the world or others may say what a waste of time it is that people spend most of their days “creeping” and posting to their page and others. With the advancement in technology, people can view Facebook from their smartphones anywhere.

Facebook has the features of hero through social relationships and through the games and applications available to users. A simple way of describing the term hero is the display of strength and courage, where strength can be determined as physical and emotional. Facebook is notorious for destroying friendships and relationships, but for some people who don’t get that too often, they will find this social media to be of personal building. Making them feel of an importance through having people accept their friendship request or other ways, gives a sense of hope that some people lacked in the relationship department. This social media helps make it easier for people to speak their mind or say things they wouldn’t do if it were in person. The games and apps display hero through the concept of their purpose.

The cult of celebrity applies to Facebook with the concept of being able to like pages of your favorite show, movie, celebrity, etc. By liking a page or post will keep you updated on your newsfeed of similar/related stories. It’s like a virtual magazine where you can look further into the topic though rather than what is just on the pages. Facebook isn’t just a way to stay in contact with others, but to advertise as well. Both hero and cult of celebrity have a place within the Facebook world, as do everything else. A main celebrity relating to Facebook is its maker Mark Zuckerberg, which a movie, The Social Network, was made to display the kind of work he went through to get the billion-dollar empire to where it is.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Assignment 1-4-3

The social network Facebook has numerous rituals and stereotypes. People don't understand that not all the stereotypes are not true, but people will have their own experience and opinion of it. The biggest stereotype I hear of is the description of a persons needs. For example, there is this one friend on Facebook that posts something every hour whether it be a status update or picture. Most people would think of this friend as needy and an attention seeker. Then there are those friends who are lecturers that voice their opinions strongly, especially during election time. There are many other titles, but those are most common. Another stereotype is that Facebook ruins relationships. Whether they be friendships or relationships with a significant other, Facebook could possibly be a factor of destroying the relationship. I don't believe this to be true, because if it were the case then it is a sign of jealousy and/or lack of trust. No relationship should carry those characteristics, and, if so, then the relationship was leading to the path of failure anyway.

Some rituals that Facebook portrays are the notifications, birthdays, status updates, posting pictures, and playing games against one another. These are the common rituals, but I think the "like" and "comment" buttons are the biggest. The simplicity of just liking another person's status, picture, post, or whatever is a symbol of gratitude, happiness, or agreement of the topic. Notifications can be as little as displaying a friend liked your status, tagged you in a photo, reminder to send birthday wishes, etc. Facebook notifies of any comments or suggestions that seem to fit your interest.

Facebook may cause problems in personal lives, but it is what you take out of it like everything else. Let go of the things you can't control and help those you can prevent. Popular culture is able to be shared all over the world and Facebook is able to bring those different cultures together. There is no limitations of Facebook or restrictions that it can be accessed from across the world. Each culture is able to bring its own personality to Facebook, thus creating updates and changes quite frequently with Facebook.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Assignment 1-4-2

The popular culture topic chosen for this assignment was Facebook. This social media has grown tremendously over the last seven years, going mainly from student accounts to being free to everyone. Starting with students creating group networking at Harvard University in 2004 has made an expansion of the decade. It is a way to keep in contact with others, discuss life events and activities, and even certain businesses have Facebook accounts to display the purpose of their work and show it off if necessary. But the numerous things you can do with these accounts have created a never-ending form of communication.

Popular culture of Facebook extends itself to many levels. Factors that include things such as education and, of course, exposure, Facebook is a wide variety of different uses that can be made of it. The accounts are free, making it available to anyone. The lack of education needed to use the account doesn’t matter with the user-friendly layout, where now with smartphones can become an app on your phone to access whenever and wherever you want. Its format doesn’t require grammar to be the exact best, but, from my point of view, what is so hard about typing the extra few letters to make a “real” word. That goes along with texting too. The account holders can also upload videos and pictures, post links or share other sites, or join another Facebook group page to show support or like of the topic. Social status has become a must with most people in society today that you will see people constantly posting all day long to their account or others.

With technology progressing, communication has become a huge step in society. Going from home telephone to car phones to the tablets of today, the expansion has technology constantly wanting to grow and making something new each year to improve outdating the old quickly. Facebook is a model of American dream myth. The power, economic, and the pursuit of happiness have made us into lovers. It is a very addicting site, especially when it comes to the emotional standpoint. If you’re having a bad day, I’m sure someone is posting something that would make you smile or that would make you think that things could be worse.

Icons related to Facebook are endless. When it is said that everyone has a page that includes every thing. There are pages for movies, characters, television shows, music artists, athletes, etc. Anyone can get on these pages and like the page to follow it in their newsfeed. This is another way for the economic factor where the name is being put out there without a high expense.

Facebook is a great asset to the social media world, but through my eyes it can destroy you. What ever happened to sitting at a family gathering where no one had their phones out texting or checking their Facebook? I have an account, but prefer to not make it an everyday need and simply for keeping in contact with distant others and sharing photos. To me, it really comes down to manners and the independency of not displaying my entire life and h
ave some privacy from the world to see.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Assignment 2-1

Michael Jackson is the king of pop and has been a major icon across the world. His music and dance moves, along with his personal issues and physical changes, have created the media to be all over him from the beginning. The Lion King was and still continues being a must-have children's movie. Since its appearance in 1994, catch phrases such as Hakuna Matata have stuck around and the overall story of family makes this movie a keeper. Mario has been around for over three decades and continues to be advertised. Being the mascot for Nintendo, Mario has appeared in over 200 games and creates graphics for shirts, toys, costumes, etc. 

The icons have inspired many movements whether they were noticed at the time or even today. Michael Jackson created his own sound and image moving from the Jackson 5 when he was little to his own individual spotlight. Stardom may have an impact on what influenced his change in appearance over the years, but the historical element of his time was the moonwalk. Lion King recently made an appearance in theaters in 3D displaying that it is still a classic no matter how many years have passed since its showing. Mario became a character in the Donkey Kong game to be the character to save the Princess. The details of his character led him to gaming fame receiving numerous games of his own, such as Mario, Mario Party, Mario Cart, etc. This characters impact has opened ideas for other characters to rise like Luigi, Princess, Toad, and many more. 

These three contemporary icons have been around from the time I was young, from the time I could remember to this day. My mom, aunt, and a few of their coworkers entered a talent show at their work and sang the Jackson 5 "ABC". I was too young to remember, but I loved watching the recording. I liked to think that is when I fell in love with Michael Jackson's music. Some people like to give me a hard time from all his troubles and struggles, but I'm a fan and continue to be one. I even have a Pandora station dedicated to him. The Lion King has been my all-time favorite children's movie and ranking in my top favorites overall. To this day, I will cry during the scene where Simba's dad dies trying to save him. It is a story of love and family and gives strength in your heart to be strong and never give up. Out of the three icons, Mario was probably the most random. Mario was the game I grew up on with it being the first big video game I had as a kid. Nintendo64 became a hit and, trust me, although with new technology and game consoles like Wii and PlayStation, I still carry my Nintendo64 on with all its great memories.  Mario will continue for many more years through other games and with the movie Super Mario Brothers, I still want a Yoshi.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Assignment 1-2

What is popular culture, and what does it mean to you?Pop culture is what is acceptable and ideal for society during a specific time. These ideas and perspectives have changed over time accepting different values and events. Hence the term popular for what is "in" at the time. To me, it's a never-ending battle to constantly fit in with the crowd and keep up-to-date.

Why is an understanding of popular culture relevant to you in a business environment and in your present and future career?An understanding of pop culture for business purposes is the evolving of technology and how it is changing careers and responsibilities continuously. A person cannot expect to be in a career without expecting to learn different strategies and ways of doing their job. At least every several months, there is new software or machine upgrades to increase productivity and efficiency compared to time in most lines of work.

What would you consider to be an example of a pop culture artifact? And why would you choose it?The Apple logo isn't merely just a logo, but an expectation of great technology. Ranging from Mac computers to iPods, the Apple logo has received great recognition. The want of the new iPhones is beyond ridiculous to find at how much a person would do for one and why it is such an important accessory in their life. Today you can't go anywhere without seeing this logo somewhere.